79 Perimeter Road Nashua, NH 03063 | info@nashuaairport.com | (603) 882-0661
AAAE American Association of Airport Executives
AeroPlanner Provides pilots the best planning tools and data available on the internet. View all NOS sectional charts online, query FAA navigation databases, plot routes based on airports and navaids and print tripticks and store log information all online
Air Care Alliance is a nationwide league of humanitarian flying organizations whose volunteer pilots are dedicated to community service.
Airnav Detailed aeronautical information on US airports and navigational aids as well as gas price listings
AMAS Aviation Medicine Advisory Service. Absolutely confidential FAA Medical Certification info and assistance, and aeromedical information
Angel Flight NE Arranging free flights so children and adults can access free medical care
AskACFI Flight training questions answered
AOPA Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
AVWEB Independent aviation news resource
CANPASS streamlines customs clearance for frequent travelers to Canada
City of Nashua The official website for the City of Nashua, NH
DUATS Flight planning
ENFLIGHT Flight Planning
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
Flight Aware Live Flight Tracking
GAMA General Aviation Manufacturer’s Association
GSAMA The Granite State Airport Management Association
Intellicast Weather information
Landings Dedicated to all that is aviation
NASAO National Association of State Aviation Officials
Nashua Weather For current weather conditions at Nashua
NATA National Air Transportation Association
NBAA National Business Aviation Association
NWS National Weather Service
New Hampshire's Aeronautic Hot Spots It is what it says it is
NHDOT New Hampshire Department of Transportation, Bureau of Aeronautics
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
Women In Aviation International A nonprofit organization dedicated to providing networking, education, mentoring and scholarships
Below is a link to the 2015 Wildlife Hazard Assessment for Boire Field. The United States Department of Agriculture, Wildlife Services conducted on and off airport surveys of wildlife over a one year period to determine the types and numbers of wildlife on and around the airport. The purpose is for airport management to better understand the wildlife hazards present to be better able to mitigate them.
As part of our ongoing capital improvements to the airport, our plan is to seal coat our runway with this emulsion enhancement product in order to preserve the useful life of the asphalt. Here is the technical data on the product.
In 2012, the FAA released, General Aviation Airports: A National Asset. The report documents an 18-month study of the nearly 3,000 general aviation (GA) airports, heliports, and seaplane bases identified in the FAA's National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). This in depth analysis highlights for the traveling public the pivotal role GA airports play in our society, economy, and the aviation system. The study also aligns the GA airports into four categories---national, regional, local, and basic---based on their existing activity levels. Nashua Airport has been classified as a GA airport of national significance. Click on the image below for the full report.
The Snow and Ice Control Plan is how the NAA intends to mitigate the hazards posed by contaminated pavement surfaces.
This proposal is to decommission and remove the device without replacement.
The current Standards and Procedures for Nashua Municipal Airport, as updated in 2016. It is the presiding document for airport rules and minimum standards for businesses.
Please nominate Midwest Air Traffic Control Tower for this service award. This Award is presented to the FAA Contract Tower that most closely mirrors Willie's vision of what the contract tower program exemplifies. This vision embodied providing excellent air traffic control services, both from a safety and customer service perspective, to all stakeholders in the local aviation community, with a professional and courteous attitude.
In accordance with US EPA and NH Department of Environmental Services regulations, Boire Field is required to have a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in place. As an industrial facility, we are required to prevent any contamination of storm waters by oils, greases or other harmful chemicals. Understanding the need and desire for ASH tenants to wash aircraft, permission was sought and requested to allow aircraft washing under certain circumstances as outlined in the 2014 Aircraft Wash Plan below.